
South Lisburn Community Church

South Lisburn Community Church is the new direction of the Light House ministry in Hillhall


A community of ordinary people following Jesus, seeking to bring truth, hope and transformation through Christ’s unconditional love, kindness and compassion to South Lisburn.

Sunday gatherings

During July and August we are meeting at 11.30am in Largymore Primary School. It’s a very relaxed service and you’d be so welcome to come along. To keep up to date with what’s happening check out our Facebook page.

Chit Chat Cafe

Every Wednesday from 10.30am – 12 noon we run a drop-in cafe in the Hillhall youth centre. Everyone is welcome to come a join.

Bible Study Tuesdays

Every Tuesday from 7.30pm – 9pm we run a Bible study which explores various topics, themes and books of the Bible. We meet in the Hillhall youth centre.

Prayer day

The first Friday of every month we have 1 hour prayer slots from 10am-7pm for a person to pray and reflect. From 7pm-9pm we pray together as a group. We meet in the Hillhall youth centre.

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